Saturday, April 9, 2011

Hello Thirties

It happened.  I have officially entered a new decade and I thought I'd kick off this blog with a little self reflection. 

The past decade...first came love, then came marriage, then came...well you know the rest.  Finished college, started living in the "real world," bought our first house and started my nutrition career.  More recently, I became certified as a diabetes educator and embarked on my newest hobby of running - completing my first 5K in December, 2010.  The journey from age 20 to 30 is tremendous for many people and I am no exception.  I have become more comfortable in my skin, loved others in ways I did not think were possible, and overall learned just as much about myself as the rest of the world.  It has been a fantastic decade...goodbye 20's.

So now what?  Well...I'm 30 and am healthier and happier than I've ever been.  I attribute a healthier lifestyle to one daughter.  Since the day I met her (and the ten months before) I have taken better care of myself (with the exception of daily prenatal blizzards) to set a good example and empower her to do the same.  I have never prescribed to the common belief that having kids condemns you to a steady diet of chicken nuggets and macaroni and cheese (although both are difficult for me to turn down).  I have offered her whole, fresh food from the beginning which is great until I realized she was eating better than her parents.  This is not to say she doesn't get french fries and potato chips, but she loves all food (is it genetic?) and especially fresh fruit and vegetables.  If there is any hope she will preserve her love for produce, I have to eat it too and she has to see me eat it during family meals.  She eats better, I eat better, we eat better.   

"Success isn't a result of spontaneous combustion.  You must set yourself on fire."  Arnold H.Glasow

Cheers to the 30's!


  1. Awesome, I look forward to following Courtney. I too, have a passion for preparing and eating food that is healthy for me and my family. Can't wait to glean new ideas from you! -Christina Tolomei

  2. Very well written, I love this attitude, too many parents feed their kids way too much crap! Sabrina Kessler
